The default environment is production, the server-app port defauld is 4000, the default whitelist is http://localhost and the default graphiql is false.
### For Development
In the terminal run:
npm run start:dev
The ENV enviroment variable should be "development" and choose the port of your preference with the enviroment variable PORT.
You will find the controllers on:
You will find the models on:
You will find the GraphQL server, resolvers and schema definition on:
The manage of the routes for custom API you should find on:
This will start the app in development mode, also use nodemon and webpack to real time coding!
Enjoy coding!
### For Production
In the terminal run:
npm run build
It will create a build folder and run:
npm start
This will start the app.
## Cheers
Hope you enjoy this proyect! Sincerely Alejandro Lembke Barrientos.